SBIR/STTR 201: Agency Deep Dives

SBIR/STTR 201: Department of Health and Human Services (NIH, FDA, CDC, ACL)

Virtual - Zoom

The Department of Health and Human Services (NIH, FDA, CDC, ACL) invests over 1 billion dollars into health and life science companies that are creating innovative technologies that align with their mission to improve health and save lives. At this session, you will learn how to determine which institute(s) could fund your project, apply to that institute, how much to request, and where to get started.


SBIR/STTR 201: National Science Foundation

Virtual - Zoom

Access ~$2M for your transformative project with strong commercial potential.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) SBIR/STTR programs focus on transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial potential and/or societal benefit. The NSF funds high-risk, high-payoff projects across the spectrum of science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing


SBIR/STTR 201: Department of Transportation (DOT)

Virtual - Zoom

Learn the Department of Transportation's strategic goals, funding mechanisms and review processes, as well as and tips and guidelines on submitting a successful application to fund your path to commercialization.


SBIR/STTR 201: Department of Education – Direct to Phase II

Virtual - Zoom

This session is focused on the U.S. Department of Education's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program FY 2024 Direct to Phase II Solicitation, which will be a request for proposals for $1,000,000 for 2-years for R&D and evaluation of new education technology products to ready existing researcher-developed evidence-based innovations (products, interventions, practices) for use at scale, and to plan for commercialization.


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