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Launch Minnesota Value Proposition Design Online Course

Value Proposition Design Online Certificate Course – Exclusively for pre-launch and early stage technology entrepreneurs who plan to seek external grant or equity funding.  Participants utilize Lean Startup tools and receive feedback from instructors deeply experienced in science/technology entrepreneurship.  In addition, industry experts and entrepreneur mentors offer insights, advice and connections. Successful completion earns a Certificate in Value Proposition Design from the Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship.  Meets Thursdays from 4-6 PM for five successive weeks.

Value Proposition Design Webinar – For anyone interested in learning about Lean Startup and innovation commercialization.  This is a “light” version of the Online Certificate course. Includes specific examples of how startups have used Lean Startup tools to advance their ventures.  Meets Mondays from 4-6 PM for four successive weeks.


September 26 @ 4:00 pm
October 24 @ 6:00 pm
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